Helping the kiddos stay safe and the
mamas stay sane.

Meet Dr. Brooks!

Family Nurse Practitioner

Besides being a Family Nurse Practitioner, I’m mama to Ava,
Jaxon, Jada, & Jace and (as you might’ve guessed by now) a HUGE
health and wellness junkie. At the clinic (s/o to my homies at
Discovery Wellness Group), I’m known as Dr. Brooks because
I’m also a Doctor of Nursing Practice.

After clinic hours, I’m either spending time with my husband and kids or divulging in some much appreciated self-care. You can usually find me enjoying some fresh air, working out, or binge watching random Netflix shows until 1am.

If it involves traveling, reading, meditating, or hot yoga, that
would be a heck yes for me!

A little backstory...

I grew up 45 minutes outside of Chicago, but now
reside just outside of Atlanta. Growing up as an
athlete (college soccer player right here!) I
naturally gravitated towards physical
therapy/athletic training, but it wasn’t until I began
working as a medical scribe in a children’s
hospital that I realized my calling was in nursing
and pediatrics.

I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-
with a Pre-Med Biology degree. After
enrolling in an accelerated nursing program as a
backup, I came face to face with my true passion.

Treating the patient as a whole human (mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually), providing empathetic care, advocating for the
patient when their voice is too weak, just being there to compassionately help someone in their most vulnerable time, this was why I
was here. A light bulb went off. THIS was where I should be.

Fast forward a few years…

…a few kids, a few more degrees and here we are today. The Discovery Doc® was born after struggling with my own
medical issues and a misdiagnosis that took years to correct. Although my battle with Lyme Disease has only made me stronger, I felt that a lot of the heartache I endured could have been avoided if only the healthcare professionals I
encountered had just listened to me more, as a human, ya know?

Now I'm able to share my own successful healing process...

It was important to me to create a platform where I could be of service to people who, like me, have ever felt unheard or rejected by traditional medical professionals. I understand what it’s like for doctors to simply provide resources on how to mask or ease a symptom rather than digging a little deeper to find the root cause of an illness, and get rid of it for good.

Fun facts!

Don’t wake me up before 7am!

And if I don’t sleep a full 8 hours, oh the world will hear about it.

The best Chicago restaurants

Hands down are Sarkis, Potbelly, Portillos, and Ron of Japan. Don’t @

I freak out if
anything goes near
my belly button.

So of course my kids stick
their fingers there
anytime they get the

I will literally do anything for my friends.

…but not the ones that like blue cheese and olives.

I collect tattoos when I travel to a different country.

Thailand is my favorite to visit but I also loved England, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Singapore, Australia, Cambodia,
Peru, & Bali.

I LOVE scenery.

Nature is dope. And God is dope for creating it.

I’m a Brown Belt in karate.

I'll forever claim this fact although it's been about 20 years.

I can pinch people with my toes

“Finger toes” according
to my husband


but I have a valid reason… I swear!

My spirit animal

is a mu’f***in unicorn!

Ready to make healthy living easy and fun?

Especially when it comes to the kiddos! As a mom, it’s important to me to adopt holistic lifestyle habits that not only reduce the likelihood of my kids getting sick, but that also help them heal faster (and more naturally) if they ever do.

Using holistic, integrative, and preventative medicine as a foundation, I teach parents how to make educated, informed decisions on behalf of their child’s health and wellbeing. By implementing fun + simple life changes, we can greatly reduce everyday toxic loads that parents may not even be aware of.

At the end of the day, I’m on this planet for a reason - to help other people, to be someone that others can lean on and trust. And that’s how I practice medicine. I want to be part of my patient’s health AND life journey. Not just a blimp in their day. And if I impact just one person’s life in some way - whether big or small, I will consider that a success.