
gut microbiome management

Ready for Better Health? How Gut Microbiome Management Can Help You Get There, Fast.

November 03, 20235 min read

Ready for Better Health? How Gut Microbiome Management Can Help You Get There, Fast.

. Dreaming of a Strong Immune System? How Antibiotics and Steroids Aren't Helping You and What to Do Instead.

Navigating the Complex World of Gut Health in Children

Understanding the Critical Role of the Microbiome in Pediatric Wellness

The Microbiome Blueprint: Building a Healthy Gut, hosts Dr. CeCe and Annah Kate dive deep into the intricate world of the human microbiome, with a special focus on the impact of gut health in children. Their enlightening discussion underscores the often-overlooked connection between chronic pediatric conditions and gut health, presenting a functional medicine perspective.

The Gut-Brain Connection:

Dr. CeCe opens the conversation by addressing emerging concerns about chronic Miralax use in children. The increase in lawsuits linked to neuropsychiatric disorders is alarming parents across the globe. As they underscore, constipation is a symptom, not a normal state for children, pointing toward a deeper issue within the gut-brain axis. This segment highlights the need for thoughtfulness when approaching pediatric healthcare and encourages looking for the root causes of these symptoms.

Eczema and Gut Dysfunction:

Annah Kate raises the topic of eczema – a condition typically treated with topical creams, yet often recurrent after the cessation of treatment. This persistence hints at an internal origin for eczema, rooted in gut dysfunction and imbalances in histamine levels. Understanding and treating the internal causes, such as food intolerances or an off-kilter microbiome, may provide long-term relief.

Pandas and Misdiagnosis:

The hosts touch on a less commonly known condition called Pandas, a disorder that can cause significant emotional turbulence in children and is often mistaken for behavioral or spectrum disorders. Dr. CeCe emphasizes the importance of recognizing Pandas' relationship with strep infections and cyclical behavior changes.

Triggers for Chronic Inflammation:

Moving on to conditions like Crohn's, IBD, and IBS – traditionally managed with immune-suppressing drugs – the hosts advocate for identifying and addressing triggers. A functional medicine approach, they argue, yields a more targeted and effective strategy for healing the gut and possibly decreasing dependency on medications.

The Uniqueness of Our Microbiome:

Our hosts discuss the formation of the gut microbiome from birth, stressing the role of factors such as delivery method, breastfeeding, and early-onset diet. They highlight how understanding and nurturing the microbiome from a young age can lead to better long-term health outcomes.

Antibiotics and Microbiome Health:

In a significant portion of the episode, Dr. CeCe and Annah Kate talk about the detrimental impact of overusing antibiotics on the delicate balance of our gut flora. They provide practical advice on supporting the microbiome – through the judicious use of antibiotics, taking probiotics, and natural antifungals when necessary.

Maintaining and Cleansing the Gut:

As part of our microbiome maintenance, periodic candida or parasite work is recommended. Dr. CeCe stresses a gentle approach to cleansing – not to overdo it but rather to keep the microbiome balanced with natural remedies and binding agents.

Listening to Your Body:

Both hosts passionate advocate for personalized health approaches, urging listeners to get lab tests not just for diagnosis but also for prevention. Understanding one's unique biological makeup can pave the way for tailored treatments and better health management.

Your Gut, Your Health

The Discovery Doc is your go-to source for all things health and wellness for your family. Stay tuned for upcoming episodes with expert guests, practical tips, and inspiring stories.

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For resources on nutrition, recovery, and balanced living, be sure to explore the links provided and tune into our podcast for ongoing conversations about health, family, and adaptability. Join us next time to continue uncovering the layers of individual well-being and harmony between body and mind.

Discovery Doc Podcast: Where Dr. CeCe and Annah Kate provide insights on holistic health and wellness.

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Dr. CeCe's Essential Checklist for a Healthy Gut Microbiome:

Balance the Bacterial Ecosystem: Diversify your gut bacteria by incorporating a variety of fermented foods and fibers into your diet, and consider a high-quality, multi-strain probiotic.

Strategies for Implementation: Start by adding fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, or kombucha to one meal a day. Gradually increase your fiber intake with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Minimize Antibiotic Exposure: Use antibiotics judiciously and only when necessary, as they can disrupt gut flora.

Strategies for Implementation: Engage in proactive health measures to avoid infections that may require antibiotics. Discuss alternative treatments with healthcare providers when appropriate and practice good hygiene.

Understand Your Unique Gut Needs: Get familiar with your body's reactions to certain foods and invest in testing that can reveal your personal microbiome composition.

Strategies for Implementation: Keep a food diary to track diet and symptom patterns. Consider laboratory tests such as stool analysis to understand your gut health.

Encourage Early Microbiome Health: Support microbiome development in infants and children through breastfeeding and the introduction of diverse, nutrient-rich foods.

Strategies for Implementation: If breastfeeding, aim to do so for at least two to three years, and if not possible, consider using quality supplements like mega IgG. Introduce a wide range of whole foods to young children to help shape their future gut health.

Adopt a Functional Medicine Perspective: Address underlying causes of gut dysfunction rather than simply treating symptoms.

Strategies for Implementation: Partner with a functional medicine physician to gain a holistic understanding of your health. Get comprehensive lab work done to identify root causes of gut-related issues and create a tailored treatment plan.

Remember, maintaining gut health is a dynamic process that involves not only dietary changes but also lifestyle adjustments and sometimes medical interventions. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatments.

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The Discovery Doc - Dr. CeCe Brooks - Atlanta Holistic NP

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice.

Healthy Eating Antibiotics and GutCandida Overgrowth Gut-Brain AxisEczema TreatmentChild ConstipationFunctional MedicineProbioticsMicrobiomeGut Health
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