
cranial osteopathy

Breaking Boundaries in Health: The Holistic Harmony of Mind, Body, and Spirit

September 26, 20235 min read

Breaking Boundaries in Health: The Holistic Harmony of Mind, Body, and Spirit

"Breaking Boundaries: Dr. Dijamco's Quest to Unite," Dr. CeCe and Annah Kate dive into an enlightening conversation with integrative physician Dr. Arlene Dijamco. Throughout the episode, Dr. Dijamco implores us to look beyond the conventional partitions of medicine and embrace a more united approach to healing.

Embrace the Whole Being for Better Resonance

Dr. Dijamco stresses the importance of recognizing and integrating the entirety of our being to achieve better health outcomes. Acknowledging the interplay between our mental, emotional, and spiritual states can lead to deeper healing and a more resonant existence. This philosophy underscores a maxim central to holistic health: "Treat the person, not just the disease."

The Power of Breath and Self-Understanding

Both hosts, Dr. CeCe, and Annah Kate, emphasize the critical role of breathing and self-awareness in healing. Sharing personal experiences, they suggest that paying attention to our breath can act as a barometer for our internal states, offering practical tips on how to maintain wellness. As the saying goes, "The breath is the bridge between mind and body."

Give Voice to Emotions

One of the pivotal messages is allowing children—and indeed all of us—to express our emotions safely. Dr. Dijamco advocates for a technique she terms "I need five minutes," providing individuals, especially children, the space to articulate their feelings without fear of judgment. Allowing the natural flow of emotions, even the negative ones, is a cornerstone of emotional health.

The Multifaceted Benefits of Cranial Osteopathy

Dr. Dijamco introduces listeners to the world of cranial osteopathy, a gentle yet powerful practice that can release trauma bonds in the body, aiding lymphatic drainage and overall well-being. As she elucidates, trauma can manifest in both emotional and physical realms, and cranial osteopathy seeks to alleviate these disturbances holistically.

The Journey to Integrative Medicine

Don't miss Dr. Dijamco's journey to integrative medicine, which was spurred by personal experiences and the realization that traditional approaches often neglect the mind and spirit. Yoga, meditation, and other non-traditional practices contributed significantly to her overall well-being and eventually her professional methodology.

Trust Your Intuition for Healing

Dr. Dijamco conveys the importance of intuition in her practice. Both the physician's intuition and the patient's innate healing capacity are honored, leading to a more efficient and profound healing process. Trust in oneself is encouraged, summed up in the maxim, "Intuition is the wisdom formed by feeling and reason."

Makings of a Miraculous Recovery

Are your going to try the simple yet effective "homework" Dr. Dijamco assigns her patients—tasks that can include anything from taking time for oneself to engaging in a joyful activity. These seemingly small actions are indeed healing prescriptions, affirming the adage, "Laughter is the best medicine."

Wellness Checks for Life

Dr. Dijamco and the hosts advocate the benefits of cranial osteopathy for all ages, from newborns to the elderly. They emphasize regular wellness visits, parenting advice, and proactive health checks. Such comprehensive care invites us to consider another resonant maxim: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

Emotional Trauma and Physical Health

The interconnectedness of emotional trauma and physical health emerged as a key theme. Dr. Dijamco discusses the integration of emotional trauma workshops and exercises with cranial osteopathic treatment. The impact of addressing emotional health directly on physical symptoms highlights the principle that "The body keeps the score."

Paving the way for a deeper understanding of holistic health. Dr. Dijamco's integrative approach enforces a fundamental truth: we are more than just our physical bodies. By uniting the diverse facets of ourselves, we can break boundaries in health and embark on a journey towards true resonance and healing.

Dr. Dijamco's Guide to Integrative Healing and Well-being:

  • Integrate Whole-Being Resonance: Recognize the intricate ties between your mental state and your physical health. Seek therapies like cranial osteopathy, which honor the connection between body, mind, and spirit.

  • Embrace All Emotions: Create an environment where every emotion can be expressed without judgment. Use 'I need five minutes' to provide space for yourself or your children to navigate tough feelings.

  • Move Through Emotions Naturally: Encourage the natural flow of emotions rather than suppressing them. This supports overall health and enables processing experiences more fully.

  • Innovate Parenting Techniques: Offer children a voice in their experiences and demonstrate unconditional love, which builds trust and resilience, even in adversity.

  • Incorporate Mind-Body Practices: Include yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises in your routine to help reduce stress and improve physical health.

  • Strategies for Implementation:

  • Adapt a Holistic Health Schedule: Carve out regular time slots during the week dedicated to practices that nurture your whole being, such as cranial osteopathy sessions, yoga classes, or mindfulness exercises.

  • Family Emotional Toolkit: Establish a system at home, such as the 'I need five minutes' technique, to help all family members express and manage their emotions constructively.

  • Education and Advocacy: Learn more about integrative healing practices and share your knowledge with others. Encourage discussions about these approaches within your community, and if you're a parent, introduce these concepts to your children's learning environment.

  • Regular Check-ins: Develop a routine where you regularly assess your and your family's emotional and physical health. Don't hesitate to seek professional guidance when needed.

  • Embrace Experimentation: As Dr. Dijamco did with her practice, be open to trying new approaches and integrating additional modalities that align with the integrative philosophy, such as dietary changes, supplements, or herbals.

Listen on the go!

For resources on nutrition, recovery, and balanced living, be sure to explore the links provided and tune into our podcast for ongoing conversations about health, family, and adaptability. Join us next time to continue uncovering the layers of individual well-being and harmony between body and mind.

Discovery Doc Podcast: Where Dr. CeCe and Annah Kate provide insights on holistic health and wellness.

Alternative Therapy PracticesStress Management TechniquesParenting AdviceEmotional WellnessMind-Body ConnectionChronic Illness RecoveryHolistic HealthTrauma HealingCranial OsteopathyIntegrative Medicine
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